The Full Story
The Employer Success Series
Books to Help Improve Your Results!

Learn about the issues, impacts and implications of the challenges facing business leaders today, with the in-depth, practical solutions that you to can implement that can lead to dramatic results for you and your business. These best selling books were based on years of research, and the experience and stories of over 2,000 business leaders from across the county.
Based on those business leaders' questions and concerns, these books are a compilation of solutions that businesses need to when seeking to improve areas that rob them of focus, energy, and profitability, and face the unknown which can jeopardize their very survival.
After two years of researching what were the core problems of 1,187 owners, executives, supervisors, foremen, HR professionals, and accountants, this book was created to help business owners solve those problems and slash their workers' compensations premiums.
Stop Being Frustrated and Overcharged is not a technical “coverage book,” it is a practical book designed to give you the insight as to what is affecting your company, what you can do to address it, and more importantly, the tools to achieve results!
It is written by a business owner, who happens to be a risk manager, and has helped hundreds of businesses improve their bottom lines by well over $50Million since 2004.
Are you frustrated by insurance companies constantly increasing your premiums?
Today’s technology has both overshadowed and enhanced much of yesterday’s craftsmanship.
Now, most of us would definitely not compare a risk manager or an insurance professional to the craftsman who constructed our home or designed that jaw-dropping structure that makes us say “wow.”
However, author David Leng aptly ties together a direct correlation between the risk manager and insurance professional to a craftsman. As a business owner, you will see and understand the uniqueness with which David works with his large business clients. You will understand how he “builds a fortress” designed to fend off a multitude of employee injuries, view his varying techniques in which to help you appreciate varying Workers’ Compensation insurance plans and how insurance companies think about you, then crush and ultimately control your Workers’ Compensation insurance costs.
The Institute of WorkComp Professionals has trained many skilled and passionate insurance professionals. With this book, David Leng shows employers how he combines that skill and passion in creating a textbook approach to creating a Workers’ Compensation program that actually benefits your company.
Preston Diamond - Director
Institute of WorkComp Professionals
Employee Performance Management
& Workers' Compensation
Stop Being Frustrated & Overcharged
Over 10,000 copes sold
Why most businesses fail to survive a disaster!
Amazon #1 Business Best Seller List - June 2021
Insured to Fail

Would you bet your entire business on a flip of a coin?
No rational business owners would do so, but statistics show otherwise...
Most businesses affected by a significant disaster either never reopen or close within 3-5 years. FEMA states that 40% will fail to reopen from such an event, and 25% will close within one year.
The scariest statistic comes from the Insurance Institute of Business & Home Safety, which states that slightly over 25% of insured businesses will not reopen, and another 25% will go out of business within three years.
And the Insurance Institute of Business & Home Safety's statistic does not contemplate natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina!
The coin is in the air and falling to the ground...
When do you want to know you have a problem: before or after your disaster strikes? You are most likely thinking, “I am good right now! I have insurance that will pay to replace my building, equipment, inventory, computers, etc...”
Clearly, the statistics show that you are leaving your fate up to chance. Wouldn't you want to know for sure?
Why are there so many failures? You will learn directly from 6 years of research and interviewing 86 Businesses that failed to reopen or closed within three years. Also interviewed were almost three dozen businesses that barely survived their catastrophe by pouring hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars out of their own pockets back into their businesses! In the book, I we will explore what you should do to avoid being a statistic yourself.
Effective and Premium Slashing
Risk Management for Employers

The 10 Laws of
Insurance Attraction
Amazon #1 Business Best Seller List - November 2016
As a successful business owner, why would you keep rolling the dice when it comes to managing your insurance program? Constantly frustrating yourself chasing quotes through the broken insurance industry bidding process? Leaving the determination of your premium up to the insurance industry with their “hard” and “soft” market cycles? Only you can answer these questions. But you can take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone.
Nearly 30 years of experience has shown that the most successful business owners do not allow their results to be left to chance. They have found that by better managing their organizations, they become more attractive to insurance companies and earn significantly lower premiums. Using these little known management secrets, they have made their companies more productive, profitable and enjoyable.
Inside these pages you will find out how to stop gambling as the way to reduce your insurance premiums, and learn how to put yourself in a winning position where you ultimately control the game.
As a business owner, or business leader, when you look at the amount of money you have just handed over to the insurance companies and received very little, or nothing in return, and the exhausting amount of time you have spent trying to obtain bids or quotes to reduce the cost of your insurance program, only to fall short of the real results you wanted to occur, how can you not feel frustrated… or like you are going insane? And why do they keep doing the same things year after year when it comes to your insurance programs? After all, isn’t that the very definition of insanity; doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?
But that high-priced insanity stops here.
In his latest book, David Leng shows you how to break this costly insurance cycle and gain more control over your insurance program while simultaneously building equity that will help you and your business, rather than it being pocketed by the insurance company and its shareholders. You will see how businesses that are paying over $100,000 annually in insurance premium can benefit from Alternative Risk Financing, where a business does not purchase traditional guaranteed cost insurance policies, but instead purchases insurance where they take on some risk to get potential rewards. With a 30-year track record in advising employers on how to save substantial money in their premiums, David spells out clearly and precisely why the use of Captives has become the most popular of the alternative risk financing programs being used today. And why it just might be the solution your company needs to increase both its profitability and its equity.
Learn how to keep up to 60% of your annual insurance premiums
Amazon #1 Business Best Seller List - September 2017
Turning Premiums Into Profits